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District Resources

District Resources

District Resources

Here you can find resources from the District.

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Useful Links


Annual Notice to Parents

Bus Transportation Survey 2024-2025

By-Trustee Area Elections

California Healthy Kids Survey

The purpose of the California Healthy Kids Survey is to obtain perceptions of school climate as they relate to student well-being, opportunities, and learning. Participation is voluntary. It is also very important. The information provided will help guide district and school efforts to promote safety, enhance learning supports, improve student achievement, and reduce health risks that stand as barriers to learning.
This is an anonymous survey. It is designed so that participating parents/guardians and students cannot be identified from the data. We encourage everyone to participate.
El propósito de la encuesta de Niños Saludables de California y Encuesta para padres es para obtener las percepciones del clima escolar en cuanto a cómo se relacionan con el bienestar de los alumnos, las oportunidades brindadas y el aprendizaje. La participación es voluntaria. Es también muy importante. La información proporcionada ayudara en los esfuerzos del distrito y escuelas para promover seguridad, aumentar los apoyos de aprendizaje, mejorar el desempeño estudiantil y reducir los riesgos de salud que se presentan como obstáculos para el aprendizaje.
Esta encuesta es anónima. Está diseñada para que los padres y tutores participantes no puedan ser identificados a través de su información. Alentamos a todos a participar.


Canvas Parent & Student Training

Counseling & Prevention Resources

2-1-1 is a single telephone number that cuts through the red tape and connects you to a trained information and referral specialist who suggests community and government organizations who can help. Whether you are looking for help or looking to volunteer, 2-1-1 helps you navigate the health and human service system in times of crisis or in times of everyday needs and challenges.
The information found on this website is provided as a resource and is NOT intended as recommendations or professional advice. The Tehachapi Unified School District and its Board of Trustees, employees, and agents disclaim any and all liability for injury or other damages from errors or omissions in the information provided.

District News

ELPAC & CAASPP Remote Testing

Extended Daycare

Foster & Homeless Students

Independent Study

Late Start & Inclement Weather

Local Control Accountability Plan

McKinney - Vento Education Program


School SARC Documents

State Standards, Assessments, Surveys, & Reports

Common Core State Standards

Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBAC)


California English Language Development Test (CELDT)

Student Attendance Calendars

Student District Forms